New Christmas praise song by Bryan Thomas...
(Verse 1) A baby in a manger lay,
While shepherds bowed and angels sang.
From a bed of straw, redemption came,
And the world’s never been the same.
(Verse 2) The hope of birth, the gift of grace.
A call to bow, before His face.
A carpenter walking on the waves,
And the world’s never been the same.
(CHORUS) Hallelujah, Christ has come.
Born to save. Son of love.
Salvation is His gift to us.
Hallelujah, Christ has come.
(Verse 3) A star that shone up in the sky
To guide three kings through the night
Shines in our hearts to change our lives.
And we’ll never be the same.
(CHORUS) Hallelujah, Christ has come.
Born to save. Son of love.
Salvation is His gift to us.
Hallelujah, Christ has come.
(Bridge) And we will worship Him.
We will worship Him.
We will worship Him, Christ the King.
(CHORUS) Hallelujah, Christ has come.
Born to save. Son of love.
Salvation is His gift to us.
Hallelujah, Christ has come.
© 2009 Anchored Music Ministries, Inc. Written: 11/10/09
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Leave of Absence
Due to a family emergency I am having to take a brief respite from my blogs. I will be back as soon a I can devote appropriate attention to quality postings. Please pray for us during this difficult time.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Reading: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in Him would not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
The passage is so well known, it sometimes seems like a cliche. God loves us. Do you know that? Let me say it again: You are loved by the God of the universe. All He asks in return is faith. Just belief in Him.
Most of us have a hard time accepting God's love. Love from a being so perfect, so all knowing, just seems so beyond understanding, let alone the fact that it feels so undeserved. How can God love a sinner like me? How can someone who fails so much be loved by someone who never fails? Ever ask these questions?
The love of God is something he gives freely. There is no way you can ever earn or deserve it. Being a depraved, sinful being, you are incapable of earning or deserving that kind of love. But you simply don't have to. Like so much of human love, God's love is a choice. He chooses to love you. Yes, you! And as a result, you never have to doubt his love is there. He has loved you since before you were formed, the Scriptures assure us, and He will love you forever.
How does it feel to be loved? Do you ever just stop, think about it and give Him thanks? Maybe you should. Freely loved by the one true God! What a gift you have? Isn't it time to acknowledge and appreciate it a bit?
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for your love, which is always with me. I know there is nothing I could ever do or say to deserve it. Thank you that I don't have to. Amen.
The passage is so well known, it sometimes seems like a cliche. God loves us. Do you know that? Let me say it again: You are loved by the God of the universe. All He asks in return is faith. Just belief in Him.
Most of us have a hard time accepting God's love. Love from a being so perfect, so all knowing, just seems so beyond understanding, let alone the fact that it feels so undeserved. How can God love a sinner like me? How can someone who fails so much be loved by someone who never fails? Ever ask these questions?
The love of God is something he gives freely. There is no way you can ever earn or deserve it. Being a depraved, sinful being, you are incapable of earning or deserving that kind of love. But you simply don't have to. Like so much of human love, God's love is a choice. He chooses to love you. Yes, you! And as a result, you never have to doubt his love is there. He has loved you since before you were formed, the Scriptures assure us, and He will love you forever.
How does it feel to be loved? Do you ever just stop, think about it and give Him thanks? Maybe you should. Freely loved by the one true God! What a gift you have? Isn't it time to acknowledge and appreciate it a bit?
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for your love, which is always with me. I know there is nothing I could ever do or say to deserve it. Thank you that I don't have to. Amen.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Blessed Be Your Name
Daily Reading: "Then Job stood up, tore his robe and shaved his head. He fell to the ground and worshiped, saying: 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will leave this life. The LORD gives and the LORD takes away, Praise the name of the LORD." -- Job 1:20-21
Job is one of those books I just don't read that often. For one thing, it's kind of depressing -- the story of a man who is stripped of everything he hold dear. His friends tempt him to curse God, to turn from his faith, but Job remains faithful. At the beginning of the story, his entire family, servants, and livestock are all wiped out. That's just the beginning. Yet Job surrenders and worships.
As I go through my own life, seasons of discord and struggle, I get discouraged. I want to give up. Until I'm reminded of the story of Job. Compared to what Job went through, my struggles seem like nothing. They seem like even less when compared to what Christ bore on the cross for me. Yet my first instinct in such times doesn't tend to be worship. Worship seems against my nature, yet worship is what I was made to do, and in such times, worship is the response God most desires from us.
As I face uncertainties today, going through another period of questioning and trial, I have made an effort to echo the words of Job: "You give and take away. Praise be the name of the Lord." How will you deal with times of darkness and uncertainty in your own life? Will you bow in worship or will you stand and scream out in anger? Which pleases God more? He is still sovereign. He is still in control. And He still loves us more than we can ever imagine.
PRAYER: Lord, help me change my instincts to worship first in all of life. Help me to praise you even when I feel dismayed, knowing that I can trust in your faithfulness and love. Amen.
Job is one of those books I just don't read that often. For one thing, it's kind of depressing -- the story of a man who is stripped of everything he hold dear. His friends tempt him to curse God, to turn from his faith, but Job remains faithful. At the beginning of the story, his entire family, servants, and livestock are all wiped out. That's just the beginning. Yet Job surrenders and worships.
As I go through my own life, seasons of discord and struggle, I get discouraged. I want to give up. Until I'm reminded of the story of Job. Compared to what Job went through, my struggles seem like nothing. They seem like even less when compared to what Christ bore on the cross for me. Yet my first instinct in such times doesn't tend to be worship. Worship seems against my nature, yet worship is what I was made to do, and in such times, worship is the response God most desires from us.
As I face uncertainties today, going through another period of questioning and trial, I have made an effort to echo the words of Job: "You give and take away. Praise be the name of the Lord." How will you deal with times of darkness and uncertainty in your own life? Will you bow in worship or will you stand and scream out in anger? Which pleases God more? He is still sovereign. He is still in control. And He still loves us more than we can ever imagine.
PRAYER: Lord, help me change my instincts to worship first in all of life. Help me to praise you even when I feel dismayed, knowing that I can trust in your faithfulness and love. Amen.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
DAILY READING: "He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 'I tell you the truth,' he said, 'this poor widow has put in more than all the others.' -- Luke 21:2-3 (NIV)
The two coins were small, hardly anyone’s treasure, but she clutched them tightly as she stood in line at the temple treasury. For they were all she had. Her husband had died, and she was poor and alone. When her turn came, the poor widow placed the coins joyfully in the offering, knelt and prayed. Jesus and the disciples marveled at her smile as she walked away. Jesus knew the depth of her sacrifice and He was touched. Counted by percentage, hers was the largest gift of all.
How do our gifts measure up? Do we give gladly or begrudgingly? Are our steps joyful or full of dread? Do we just give leftovers or do we give our all? Jesus gave His all, how can we give less? It’s so easy to forget His sacrifice amidst our own greedy longing for more and more.
Sometimes we’re tempted to think what we have is ours. Other times it seems worth so little, it could hardly matter. We forget that Jesus’ measures are different than out own. The willingness of our hearts and the act of giving mean as much as the amount to Him. Let’s remember always that our gifts are the least we can give back to the One who’s given so much for us.
PRAYER: Father God, help me not to begrudge you my meager gifts. Help me to always remember that all I have is a gift from you. Amen.
The two coins were small, hardly anyone’s treasure, but she clutched them tightly as she stood in line at the temple treasury. For they were all she had. Her husband had died, and she was poor and alone. When her turn came, the poor widow placed the coins joyfully in the offering, knelt and prayed. Jesus and the disciples marveled at her smile as she walked away. Jesus knew the depth of her sacrifice and He was touched. Counted by percentage, hers was the largest gift of all.
How do our gifts measure up? Do we give gladly or begrudgingly? Are our steps joyful or full of dread? Do we just give leftovers or do we give our all? Jesus gave His all, how can we give less? It’s so easy to forget His sacrifice amidst our own greedy longing for more and more.
Sometimes we’re tempted to think what we have is ours. Other times it seems worth so little, it could hardly matter. We forget that Jesus’ measures are different than out own. The willingness of our hearts and the act of giving mean as much as the amount to Him. Let’s remember always that our gifts are the least we can give back to the One who’s given so much for us.
PRAYER: Father God, help me not to begrudge you my meager gifts. Help me to always remember that all I have is a gift from you. Amen.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Following The Plan
Daily Reading: "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD, "plans for your welfare, not to destroy you, but to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
This is one of my favorite passages of scripture, and yet sometimes it is also one of the most overused. But just this past Sunday, a member of my worship team was headed off to college and I was asked to give her a word of scripture/advice. I couldn't think of a more appropriate passage.
The time a young person first heads off, away from home for the first time, is an incredible time of discovery. So many new experiences, so many expectations, and so many changes all come together. And so, knowing this, and remembering my own experiences, I wanted to tell my friend this and remind her that the only way to come through well would be to make sure she walked with God every moment of every day. I reminded her that her expectations are good but God's expectations for her are far superior than anything she can dream up for herself. Therefore, as she takes each step, to place it in God's hands, is the best thing she can do. That way, when she arrives at the destination and finds it different than her expectations, she still knows she's arrived where she's supposed to because she's in God's will and he led her there.
So often when our expectations are not met, our tendency is to blame God, instead of thanking Him. It's ironic that we know He is omnipotent and omniscient and therefore far more capable of making a great future for us than we are ourselves capable of, yet when we don't get what we expected, God gets the blame. I know God has great surprises in store for my friend, and rather than see her disappointed, what I hope happens is that by committing her plans and thoughts to the Lord, she will instead come through praising. For God's plans for her are so much better than hers, and they are meant to create a hopeful, joyful future, overcoming sinfulness and a fallen world. I can't think of a better future for anyone, can you?
As we walk, let's commit our expectations and plans to the One who is always faithful and will never let us down, when we trust in Him. And we can rest assured we will always end up where we're supposed to be, in a far better place than our limited human perspectives could ever imagine.
PRAYER: Father, I commit my hopes, my dreams, and my plans to you. Please help me to walk where you would have me, and not be distracted by own stubborn will and limited expectations. Take my life and let it be yours. Amen.
This is one of my favorite passages of scripture, and yet sometimes it is also one of the most overused. But just this past Sunday, a member of my worship team was headed off to college and I was asked to give her a word of scripture/advice. I couldn't think of a more appropriate passage.
The time a young person first heads off, away from home for the first time, is an incredible time of discovery. So many new experiences, so many expectations, and so many changes all come together. And so, knowing this, and remembering my own experiences, I wanted to tell my friend this and remind her that the only way to come through well would be to make sure she walked with God every moment of every day. I reminded her that her expectations are good but God's expectations for her are far superior than anything she can dream up for herself. Therefore, as she takes each step, to place it in God's hands, is the best thing she can do. That way, when she arrives at the destination and finds it different than her expectations, she still knows she's arrived where she's supposed to because she's in God's will and he led her there.
So often when our expectations are not met, our tendency is to blame God, instead of thanking Him. It's ironic that we know He is omnipotent and omniscient and therefore far more capable of making a great future for us than we are ourselves capable of, yet when we don't get what we expected, God gets the blame. I know God has great surprises in store for my friend, and rather than see her disappointed, what I hope happens is that by committing her plans and thoughts to the Lord, she will instead come through praising. For God's plans for her are so much better than hers, and they are meant to create a hopeful, joyful future, overcoming sinfulness and a fallen world. I can't think of a better future for anyone, can you?
As we walk, let's commit our expectations and plans to the One who is always faithful and will never let us down, when we trust in Him. And we can rest assured we will always end up where we're supposed to be, in a far better place than our limited human perspectives could ever imagine.
PRAYER: Father, I commit my hopes, my dreams, and my plans to you. Please help me to walk where you would have me, and not be distracted by own stubborn will and limited expectations. Take my life and let it be yours. Amen.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Daily Reading: "10 David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying,
"Praise be to you, O LORD,
God of our father Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting.
11 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.
12 Wealth and honor come from you;
you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all.
13 Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.
14 "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. 15 We are aliens and strangers in your sight, as were all our forefathers. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. 16 O LORD our God, as for all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name, it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you. 17 I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you." 1st Chronicles 29:10-17
I love rediscovering scripture I had forgotten about. This is one such passage. What a great expression of praise, thanks and recognition of our place next to our heavenly Father. Everything we have comes from Him, and yet when we give back, we should give with gladness. We are just visitors here, and yet God allows us to make a home for ourselves. Some have royal palaces compared to others. Do we recognize, whatever our position that God has placed us there?
Reading this passage after a long time away from it so reminded me how precious are the many gifts we have been given. There are so many things we take for granted that are given us each day. We need to have hearts full of gladness every moment, because even the air we breathe itself is a gift. The more comfortable our lifestyle, the easier it is to forget what God has done for us. The easier it is to start thinking we somehow deserve the many blessings He's given us, as if we earned them somehow.
Pride can be a real burden for us as human beings. We don't like to acknowledge we need anything or anyone, sometimes. Yet when we do acknowledge it, we tend to forget God. "I need my wife," "I couldn't make it without my kids," "I am so fortunate to have this nice home to live in." What happened to God?
David's prayer of praise is a reminder that we are here because He put us here. And all we have with us are gifts from God Himself. Let's take the time today to thank Him for all He does for us daily and acknowledge how much we truly need Him.
Prayer: Oh Lord, help me to never forget that I need you. Help me to constantly remember all you've done for me and be thankful. Thank you for your love and care for me. Amen.
"Praise be to you, O LORD,
God of our father Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting.
11 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.
12 Wealth and honor come from you;
you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all.
13 Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.
14 "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. 15 We are aliens and strangers in your sight, as were all our forefathers. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. 16 O LORD our God, as for all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name, it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you. 17 I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you." 1st Chronicles 29:10-17
I love rediscovering scripture I had forgotten about. This is one such passage. What a great expression of praise, thanks and recognition of our place next to our heavenly Father. Everything we have comes from Him, and yet when we give back, we should give with gladness. We are just visitors here, and yet God allows us to make a home for ourselves. Some have royal palaces compared to others. Do we recognize, whatever our position that God has placed us there?
Reading this passage after a long time away from it so reminded me how precious are the many gifts we have been given. There are so many things we take for granted that are given us each day. We need to have hearts full of gladness every moment, because even the air we breathe itself is a gift. The more comfortable our lifestyle, the easier it is to forget what God has done for us. The easier it is to start thinking we somehow deserve the many blessings He's given us, as if we earned them somehow.
Pride can be a real burden for us as human beings. We don't like to acknowledge we need anything or anyone, sometimes. Yet when we do acknowledge it, we tend to forget God. "I need my wife," "I couldn't make it without my kids," "I am so fortunate to have this nice home to live in." What happened to God?
David's prayer of praise is a reminder that we are here because He put us here. And all we have with us are gifts from God Himself. Let's take the time today to thank Him for all He does for us daily and acknowledge how much we truly need Him.
Prayer: Oh Lord, help me to never forget that I need you. Help me to constantly remember all you've done for me and be thankful. Thank you for your love and care for me. Amen.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Lord Looks On The Heart
Daily Reading: "but the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'" 1st Samuel 16:7 NIV
We are such a judgmental lot, humankind. Constantly sizing everything up and passing judgment. "He's too short." "She's not pretty enough." "That car is old and run down." "That house is too small and messy." I'll bet you could keep adding to the list.
Thankfully, we have a God who doesn't judge the way we do. He can see far more than just surface impressions. He can look deep inside and see what we never see. As an artist, I have dealt with this kind of quick judgmental assessment as a daily occurence. It has determined my career trajectory, my income, my publicity. It has been either a major boost or major thorn to my success on numerous occasions. That's why I long ago gave up artistic success as a life goal. Instead, I decided I wanted to make a difference by helping people.
Dedicating myself to training artists and bringing others to teach where such teaching was out of reach has brought opportunities I never imagined. I have gone places and seen things I never could have dreamed of. And in the process, God has revealed my heart and changed who I am in ways I would have never conceived in my wildest artistic fantasy.
I hope the Lord likes what he sees when he looks on my heart. I have a feeling he likes what's there now a lot more than he liked what used to be. I'm still a sinner, still fallen, and still stricken by temptation. But my heart's desires are much more focused around serving others than serving myself. In knowing the ultimate servant who died on a cross for all who believe, I think the heart of a servant is much more pleasing than the heart of one who's seeking his or her own glory.
What are your goals? Whom are you striving to please? What fame or recognition do you seek and from whom? If the Lord looked on your heart today, would He see what He saw in David or would He turn away to look for someone else?
Prayer: Dear Lord, help my heart be pleasing to you. Though I am a sinner, let my life be focused on pleasing you and not on pleasing myself or the fallen world. I give myself to you today as your instrument. May you be glorified. Amen.
We are such a judgmental lot, humankind. Constantly sizing everything up and passing judgment. "He's too short." "She's not pretty enough." "That car is old and run down." "That house is too small and messy." I'll bet you could keep adding to the list.
Thankfully, we have a God who doesn't judge the way we do. He can see far more than just surface impressions. He can look deep inside and see what we never see. As an artist, I have dealt with this kind of quick judgmental assessment as a daily occurence. It has determined my career trajectory, my income, my publicity. It has been either a major boost or major thorn to my success on numerous occasions. That's why I long ago gave up artistic success as a life goal. Instead, I decided I wanted to make a difference by helping people.
Dedicating myself to training artists and bringing others to teach where such teaching was out of reach has brought opportunities I never imagined. I have gone places and seen things I never could have dreamed of. And in the process, God has revealed my heart and changed who I am in ways I would have never conceived in my wildest artistic fantasy.
I hope the Lord likes what he sees when he looks on my heart. I have a feeling he likes what's there now a lot more than he liked what used to be. I'm still a sinner, still fallen, and still stricken by temptation. But my heart's desires are much more focused around serving others than serving myself. In knowing the ultimate servant who died on a cross for all who believe, I think the heart of a servant is much more pleasing than the heart of one who's seeking his or her own glory.
What are your goals? Whom are you striving to please? What fame or recognition do you seek and from whom? If the Lord looked on your heart today, would He see what He saw in David or would He turn away to look for someone else?
Prayer: Dear Lord, help my heart be pleasing to you. Though I am a sinner, let my life be focused on pleasing you and not on pleasing myself or the fallen world. I give myself to you today as your instrument. May you be glorified. Amen.
New Commitment
I have been lax in updating this blog as often as I should. Not that anyone is reading it. Since no one comments, I really have no idea if anyone does, but in case anyone out there is being blessed by this, I have made a personal commitment to start blogging at least every Monday. I even put a reminder on my Outlook calendar so I won't forgot. Life is so busy right now, I doubt I can do it daily. I wish I could. But for now, I hope you will tune in Mondays for new content.
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Call To Give
Daily Reading: Proverbs 3:9 “Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase.”
Let's face it: It's easy for us to give out of abundance. We always feel like we have some to spare. Additionally, we have often heard of tithing as a command from Scripture, but the truth is regardless of giving your ten percent, we are called to give not just from abundance but from our faith, out of our love of Christ. Numerous passages in the Scriptures talk about giving.
"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Here we find instruction to give cheerfully regardless of the amount. This goes hand in hand with the recognition that everything we have comes from God. In Genesis 14:17-20, Abraham acknowledges that God is greatest giver of all. Without God's generosity to us, we would have nothing. So we must give not only with cheerful hearts, but in recognition that what we are giving is not really ours to hold on to.
Numerous passages also remind us that God will provide for us. Matthew 6:31-33, for example, read: "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Our mission is to seek the Lord first, trusting Him to provide all we need. And when we see others in need and we have something we can give, we are to give with the love of Christ, recognizing that we will never run out of what we need, as long as we continue to seek Christ first. We cannot worry that our supply may run out. If we have abundance today, we are to trust in Him, and let providence provide for tomorrow.
This is not to say that it's easy to live worry free, but it should be easy to trust God after all He's done for us.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to trust in you today, as I remember all you've done for me. Help me to trust you tomorrow, knowing every day is a gift from you. Amen.
Let's face it: It's easy for us to give out of abundance. We always feel like we have some to spare. Additionally, we have often heard of tithing as a command from Scripture, but the truth is regardless of giving your ten percent, we are called to give not just from abundance but from our faith, out of our love of Christ. Numerous passages in the Scriptures talk about giving.
"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Here we find instruction to give cheerfully regardless of the amount. This goes hand in hand with the recognition that everything we have comes from God. In Genesis 14:17-20, Abraham acknowledges that God is greatest giver of all. Without God's generosity to us, we would have nothing. So we must give not only with cheerful hearts, but in recognition that what we are giving is not really ours to hold on to.
Numerous passages also remind us that God will provide for us. Matthew 6:31-33, for example, read: "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Our mission is to seek the Lord first, trusting Him to provide all we need. And when we see others in need and we have something we can give, we are to give with the love of Christ, recognizing that we will never run out of what we need, as long as we continue to seek Christ first. We cannot worry that our supply may run out. If we have abundance today, we are to trust in Him, and let providence provide for tomorrow.
This is not to say that it's easy to live worry free, but it should be easy to trust God after all He's done for us.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to trust in you today, as I remember all you've done for me. Help me to trust you tomorrow, knowing every day is a gift from you. Amen.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thoughts on Worship
Have not had time to do much writing lately, as I have been consumed with a lot of other concerns between two jobs, settling into a new city, etc. Sorry about that, if anyone has been checking in regularly for posts.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Suggested Reading: Ruth 2
Ruth 2:11-12 Boaz answered her: "Everything you have done for your mother-in-law, since your husband's death has been fully reported to me: (how) you left your father and mother, and the land of your birth, and how you came to a people you didn't previously know. May the Lord reward you for what you have done and may you receive a full reward from the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge."
Ruth had taken a big risk going with Naomi. She had truly left behind everything she knew. She had truly surrendered her life to God's will. She didn't know if they'd survive the journey, let alone find a place to live or what kind of life it would be. She didn't know if they'd be accepted or outcast or where her next meal was coming from. She went because she knew it was the right thing to do, and because he love for Naomi was stronger than her love for herself.
I don't know about you but I love myself too much sometimes. I save the last piece of cake or candy for myself, perhaps. I make plans for something I really want to do without regard for what my wife wants and then drag her along. Sometimes she doesn't mind, but is this really loving her the way I should? How many times do we all put ourselves first? How different is this attitude from that of the one who died on a cross for us? Jesus put us first.
We need to constantly remember not just the price of the cross, but the attitude behind it. The sacrificial lifestyle of our Savior is one we are called to ourselves. Ruth knew what sacrificial living was all about. We need to teach ourselves, until it's our first choice, not our last choice.
Prayer: Lord, help me to follow your example and live a sacrificial life. In a world that encourages me first thinking, let me put your people first, just as you did. Amen.
Ruth 2:11-12 Boaz answered her: "Everything you have done for your mother-in-law, since your husband's death has been fully reported to me: (how) you left your father and mother, and the land of your birth, and how you came to a people you didn't previously know. May the Lord reward you for what you have done and may you receive a full reward from the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge."
Ruth had taken a big risk going with Naomi. She had truly left behind everything she knew. She had truly surrendered her life to God's will. She didn't know if they'd survive the journey, let alone find a place to live or what kind of life it would be. She didn't know if they'd be accepted or outcast or where her next meal was coming from. She went because she knew it was the right thing to do, and because he love for Naomi was stronger than her love for herself.
I don't know about you but I love myself too much sometimes. I save the last piece of cake or candy for myself, perhaps. I make plans for something I really want to do without regard for what my wife wants and then drag her along. Sometimes she doesn't mind, but is this really loving her the way I should? How many times do we all put ourselves first? How different is this attitude from that of the one who died on a cross for us? Jesus put us first.
We need to constantly remember not just the price of the cross, but the attitude behind it. The sacrificial lifestyle of our Savior is one we are called to ourselves. Ruth knew what sacrificial living was all about. We need to teach ourselves, until it's our first choice, not our last choice.
Prayer: Lord, help me to follow your example and live a sacrificial life. In a world that encourages me first thinking, let me put your people first, just as you did. Amen.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Suggested Reading: Ruth 1
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: For Naomi, it was an act of kindness. Her husband and sons were dead. She was moving to a land with which the women were unfamiliar. It was a bitter pill for her to swallow, and Naomi's kind heart couldn't bear to ask her daughters-in-law to share it. After many tears, Oprah went back to her family, but Ruth refused to leave. Her words are some of the most beautiful in the whole of scripture, often heard at weddings today:
"Do not ask me to leave you or return and not follow you.
For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live.
Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
How many of us would have the bravery of Ruth? How often do we see loyalty like this today? So often friendships are fickle. We are happy to stick with our friends in the good times, but when trouble comes, we just pull away. At least in Western society, this has almost become the norm.
Neither Ruth nor Naomi knew what would happen to them during their journey, but Ruth's fondness and love for her mother-in-law wouldn't allow her to turn away, when she knew she was needed. In the end, God blessed Ruth with a new husband and both women with a wonderful new life. He promises to do the same for us, if we just stick with him through good times and bad.
Prayer: Oh Lord, help my loyalty to you never to falter in a world of declining loyalties. Let me return your loyalty with deep devotion to you. Amen.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: For Naomi, it was an act of kindness. Her husband and sons were dead. She was moving to a land with which the women were unfamiliar. It was a bitter pill for her to swallow, and Naomi's kind heart couldn't bear to ask her daughters-in-law to share it. After many tears, Oprah went back to her family, but Ruth refused to leave. Her words are some of the most beautiful in the whole of scripture, often heard at weddings today:
"Do not ask me to leave you or return and not follow you.
For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live.
Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
How many of us would have the bravery of Ruth? How often do we see loyalty like this today? So often friendships are fickle. We are happy to stick with our friends in the good times, but when trouble comes, we just pull away. At least in Western society, this has almost become the norm.
Neither Ruth nor Naomi knew what would happen to them during their journey, but Ruth's fondness and love for her mother-in-law wouldn't allow her to turn away, when she knew she was needed. In the end, God blessed Ruth with a new husband and both women with a wonderful new life. He promises to do the same for us, if we just stick with him through good times and bad.
Prayer: Oh Lord, help my loyalty to you never to falter in a world of declining loyalties. Let me return your loyalty with deep devotion to you. Amen.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Okay. this is a repeat. But this was the first devotional I submitted for publication and it was finally accepted for THE UPPER ROOM January-February 2010 issue, so I wanted to share it again.
Suggested Reading: Exodus 33
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshiped, each at the entrance to his tent.” Ex. 33:10 NIV
The music swelled as hands clapped to the beat. The Holy Spirit was filling our hearts as our voices cried out in praise. Suddenly, the little boy in front of us, maybe four years old, began clapping as well, as crumbs from his cookies flew all around us. His mother reacted, embarrassed, but my heart was filled with wonder. Do I still drop everything at a moment’s notice to worship the Lord? Do I practice my faith with such abandon? Have I forgotten how?
I remembered the days when Israel traveled the desert. Whenever a pillar of cloud appeared outside the Tabernacle, they would drop everything where they were and worship. They lived recognizing God’s presence daily. Their journey was long and hard, over many years, and with time, their devotion wavered as questions arose. Soon, they weren’t as ready to worship with total abandon.
Through my own daily struggles and difficulties, I too forget that my highest purpose is to worship God. It is the main purpose for which I was made. When I worship Him, I am connecting with my heavenly Father in a special fellowship that renews and refreshes me for what lies ahead. In such moments, I feel His presence, I delight in Him, and He delights in me. After seeing a boy’s worship, I am praying that God would give me the sense of abandonment I need to worship Him in every moment. Ultimately, a lifestyle of worship is the greatest testimony I can offer.
PRAYER: Lord, help me live with worshipful abandon in every moment. Amen.
Suggested Reading: Exodus 33
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshiped, each at the entrance to his tent.” Ex. 33:10 NIV
The music swelled as hands clapped to the beat. The Holy Spirit was filling our hearts as our voices cried out in praise. Suddenly, the little boy in front of us, maybe four years old, began clapping as well, as crumbs from his cookies flew all around us. His mother reacted, embarrassed, but my heart was filled with wonder. Do I still drop everything at a moment’s notice to worship the Lord? Do I practice my faith with such abandon? Have I forgotten how?
I remembered the days when Israel traveled the desert. Whenever a pillar of cloud appeared outside the Tabernacle, they would drop everything where they were and worship. They lived recognizing God’s presence daily. Their journey was long and hard, over many years, and with time, their devotion wavered as questions arose. Soon, they weren’t as ready to worship with total abandon.
Through my own daily struggles and difficulties, I too forget that my highest purpose is to worship God. It is the main purpose for which I was made. When I worship Him, I am connecting with my heavenly Father in a special fellowship that renews and refreshes me for what lies ahead. In such moments, I feel His presence, I delight in Him, and He delights in me. After seeing a boy’s worship, I am praying that God would give me the sense of abandonment I need to worship Him in every moment. Ultimately, a lifestyle of worship is the greatest testimony I can offer.
PRAYER: Lord, help me live with worshipful abandon in every moment. Amen.
Friday, June 5, 2009
This devotion is set to be published in the March-April 2010 issue of THE UPPER ROOM.
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. --Genesis 3:16 (NIV)
The fruit was inviting. It looked so good and Eve wanted it. What was the harm? She had always been tempted, but when the serpent told her God was keeping it from her to hide its powers, she couldn’t resist any longer. She had to have it. And when she ate it, she knew her husband Adam had to have it, too. It was one simple moment of weakness, one small mistake, but it forever altered their lives.
How many times are we tempted by forbidden fruit? From members of the opposite sex to possessions, temptations are all around us daily. Many find them hard to resist, even those of strong faith who never thought it could happen to them. It looks so good. What could be the harm? And then their world falls apart.
What should we do when we are tempted? 1st Corinthians 10:13 tells us no temptation will come before us which is beyond our strength to resist. Mark 14:38 tells us that we should watch and pray so that we are not overcome by temptation. Always being on our guard and knowing our own weakness are the greatest defenses we can have. Those and constant prayer. God can shield us when we cannot stand on our own. All we have to do is ask, and in our weakness, He will be our strength.
PRAYER: Father God, protect me from my own sinful desires and clothe me in your righteousness that in my weakness, I might be strong in you. Amen.
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. --Genesis 3:16 (NIV)
The fruit was inviting. It looked so good and Eve wanted it. What was the harm? She had always been tempted, but when the serpent told her God was keeping it from her to hide its powers, she couldn’t resist any longer. She had to have it. And when she ate it, she knew her husband Adam had to have it, too. It was one simple moment of weakness, one small mistake, but it forever altered their lives.
How many times are we tempted by forbidden fruit? From members of the opposite sex to possessions, temptations are all around us daily. Many find them hard to resist, even those of strong faith who never thought it could happen to them. It looks so good. What could be the harm? And then their world falls apart.
What should we do when we are tempted? 1st Corinthians 10:13 tells us no temptation will come before us which is beyond our strength to resist. Mark 14:38 tells us that we should watch and pray so that we are not overcome by temptation. Always being on our guard and knowing our own weakness are the greatest defenses we can have. Those and constant prayer. God can shield us when we cannot stand on our own. All we have to do is ask, and in our weakness, He will be our strength.
PRAYER: Father God, protect me from my own sinful desires and clothe me in your righteousness that in my weakness, I might be strong in you. Amen.
This devotion, published Tuesday April 21 in THE SECRET PLACE was inspired by my missionary work in Ghana, West Africa.
NIV Genesis 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so.
I walked through the streets of the Kakumba Yam Market in Accra, Ghana, and everywhere I looked I saw poverty and desperation. People living in piles of wood or clothes, open sewers, trash. But none of this was apparent on the faces of those who greeted me. Their white teeth smiled so wide, they reflected the sunlight. Their eyes were warm and inviting. Here in the midst of the worst conditions, they had found the joy of a Savior who provides.
Is my faith strong enough to weather any storm because of my confidence that God will provide for me? Do I live with the joy that no matter how little I have, His love is all I need? So often I am consumed with worry over what I want and don’t have that I forget to be thankful for all I already have.
I went to Africa determined to help them, and they helped me so much more. They opened my eyes to the true joy of salvation – providence, and the knowledge that it is not what we have but who we know that matters. What a blessing to know the Savior!
PRAYER: Lord, thank you for the confidence that in your Son, I have all I will ever need. Amen.
NIV Genesis 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so.
I walked through the streets of the Kakumba Yam Market in Accra, Ghana, and everywhere I looked I saw poverty and desperation. People living in piles of wood or clothes, open sewers, trash. But none of this was apparent on the faces of those who greeted me. Their white teeth smiled so wide, they reflected the sunlight. Their eyes were warm and inviting. Here in the midst of the worst conditions, they had found the joy of a Savior who provides.
Is my faith strong enough to weather any storm because of my confidence that God will provide for me? Do I live with the joy that no matter how little I have, His love is all I need? So often I am consumed with worry over what I want and don’t have that I forget to be thankful for all I already have.
I went to Africa determined to help them, and they helped me so much more. They opened my eyes to the true joy of salvation – providence, and the knowledge that it is not what we have but who we know that matters. What a blessing to know the Savior!
PRAYER: Lord, thank you for the confidence that in your Son, I have all I will ever need. Amen.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Okay, since this came out today in SECRET PLACE, my first nationally published devotional, I can share it with you.
Suggested Reading: Genesis 45
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. Gen 45:5 NIV
One of the most well known bible stories tells of Jacob’s favorite son sold into slavery by his brothers. Joseph went through much suffering because of what his brothers did. He surely thought he’d never see his family again.
The story has all the makings of a tragedy but God had others plans. Though Satan tried many times to derail him, Joseph continued to succeed. He worked hard, he honored God, and he was blessed for it despite all kinds of challenging circumstances. And one day, his brothers came back to Egypt.
Would you have been as forgiving as Joseph in similar circumstances? Would you have used your powers to bless your family or would you have been angry and resentful?
Joseph’s story is remembered today because it exemplifies the forgiveness we are called to as those greatly forgiven. Because of Christ’s death for our sins, we should find it easier to forgive others their sin. The result will be great blessing for them and for us, and the healing power of God will be made manifest.
PRAYER: Father, please show me how to forgive as you forgave me. Cleanse me, renew me, and let me love as you’ve loved me. Amen.
Suggested Reading: Genesis 45
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. Gen 45:5 NIV
One of the most well known bible stories tells of Jacob’s favorite son sold into slavery by his brothers. Joseph went through much suffering because of what his brothers did. He surely thought he’d never see his family again.
The story has all the makings of a tragedy but God had others plans. Though Satan tried many times to derail him, Joseph continued to succeed. He worked hard, he honored God, and he was blessed for it despite all kinds of challenging circumstances. And one day, his brothers came back to Egypt.
Would you have been as forgiving as Joseph in similar circumstances? Would you have used your powers to bless your family or would you have been angry and resentful?
Joseph’s story is remembered today because it exemplifies the forgiveness we are called to as those greatly forgiven. Because of Christ’s death for our sins, we should find it easier to forgive others their sin. The result will be great blessing for them and for us, and the healing power of God will be made manifest.
PRAYER: Father, please show me how to forgive as you forgave me. Cleanse me, renew me, and let me love as you’ve loved me. Amen.
Monday, May 18, 2009
For those of us who believe, there is no more magical, beautiful name than Jesus. No name should be uttered with more reverance and awe. No name is held dearer. This song was a tribute to Jesus, and what He represents for believers.
Jesus, kings and shepherds bowing down,
a true treasure they had found,
Jesus, the whole world heard angels sing
to proclaim the newborn king,
The ultimate irony to the power of the name is that the name Jesus represents a human being at various stages of life from an infant born in meager circumstances in a manger to a great leader of men who defied religious leaders and ultimately was murdered on a cross for it. Throughout the course of His short life, Jesus was a powerful presence. He did not conform to worldly expectations. He stood apart.
And the manger where you lay so soft and gentle
is a symbol of the greatness you've become.
And the torture of the cross remains an emblem
for the lost.
You paid the cost.
The sacrifice was not in vain. It was the great equalizer for sinners who would believe. While all of us are ultimately depraved in our fallen nature, in Christ, we are set free of the burden of a price we could never bear to pay. In His sacrifice, we find our true freedom and future.
Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.
An encounter with Jesus is the greatest encounter any of us will ever have. No matter how much Earthly success or wealth we amass, without a relationship with Christ, we are lost, without anything of value.
Jesus, you are everything to me.
You are all I'll ever need.
Jesus, far more precious than pure gold,
you are all I need to know.
And the manger where you lay so soft and gentle
is a symbol of the greatness you've become.
And the torture of the cross remains an emblem
for the lost.
You paid the cost.
Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.
Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.
Thank you, Savior, for your sacrifice and love. Thank you for your willingness to die that we might be free and live...Amen.
Jesus, kings and shepherds bowing down,
a true treasure they had found,
Jesus, the whole world heard angels sing
to proclaim the newborn king,
The ultimate irony to the power of the name is that the name Jesus represents a human being at various stages of life from an infant born in meager circumstances in a manger to a great leader of men who defied religious leaders and ultimately was murdered on a cross for it. Throughout the course of His short life, Jesus was a powerful presence. He did not conform to worldly expectations. He stood apart.
And the manger where you lay so soft and gentle
is a symbol of the greatness you've become.
And the torture of the cross remains an emblem
for the lost.
You paid the cost.
The sacrifice was not in vain. It was the great equalizer for sinners who would believe. While all of us are ultimately depraved in our fallen nature, in Christ, we are set free of the burden of a price we could never bear to pay. In His sacrifice, we find our true freedom and future.
Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.
An encounter with Jesus is the greatest encounter any of us will ever have. No matter how much Earthly success or wealth we amass, without a relationship with Christ, we are lost, without anything of value.
Jesus, you are everything to me.
You are all I'll ever need.
Jesus, far more precious than pure gold,
you are all I need to know.
And the manger where you lay so soft and gentle
is a symbol of the greatness you've become.
And the torture of the cross remains an emblem
for the lost.
You paid the cost.
Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.
Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.
Thank you, Savior, for your sacrifice and love. Thank you for your willingness to die that we might be free and live...Amen.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
This Is The Love
For me there is no greater, more amazing discovery than the realization how big God's love is. It's a discovery that lasts a lifetime. Just when you think you've grasped it, you find out there was so much more you didn't even realize. This is a song about that love.
An encounter with this love leaves you breathless. You are so stunned you can't believe such a love could be real and, even more, directed at you. There is no basis for comparison. It's so powerful, it demands a response. You will never be the same.
This is the love – the love beyond compare,
The love given to share. This is the love.
This is the love – the love that calls to me,
That calls me to believe. This is the love.
This is the love – the love that knows my name,
I’ll never be the same. This is the love.
This is the love – the love that’s everything,
The only love I need. This is the love.
Just encountering such amazing love is life transforming. All of a sudden you find a reason to hope. You find your burdens lifted, at least a little bit, depending how much you grasp it. And you want to do anything you can to repay such generosity. You just feel renewed from the inside.
And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.
But the love of God is not just a love of acceptance and adoration for us, despite our undeservedness. It goes beyond that to acts of a magnitude beyond comprehension. The love of God is love in action. A love that longs for us, seeks, us. A love that was willing to do whatever it takes -- including die and go to hell for us. Where else in the world does such a love exist?
This is the love – that gave itself for me,
That died to set me free. This is the love.
This is the love – that rose to live again,
That washed away my sin. This is the love.
And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.
Once we discover its vastness, we long to know more of it. We long to know Him better. No other love can satisfy our inner longing for completeness for wholeness only comes in relationship with Him. Indeed, our life's purpose, our heart's desire is met in Him, and we long to be able to love with the same love He's given us.
And I’ll never know another love like this love.
And I’ll never need to look for love again.
Now I’ve found my heart’s desire, and my soul’s been set afire.
I want to learn to love with the love that I’ve been given.
And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.
If you don't know a love like this, you just have to open your heart. It's already yours. You can't do anything to earn it or deserve it. You can't do anything to change it or to lose it. It will be yours for ever just has it has always been yours since before you were born. How can we help but worship a God of such love? How can we help but long to have a relationship with Him? Amazingly, He desires the relationship with us more than we could ever desire a relationship with Him. He seeks us daily, and all we have to do is ask and He'll walk beside us every second of every day. If you don't have that relationship what's stopping you?
An encounter with this love leaves you breathless. You are so stunned you can't believe such a love could be real and, even more, directed at you. There is no basis for comparison. It's so powerful, it demands a response. You will never be the same.
This is the love – the love beyond compare,
The love given to share. This is the love.
This is the love – the love that calls to me,
That calls me to believe. This is the love.
This is the love – the love that knows my name,
I’ll never be the same. This is the love.
This is the love – the love that’s everything,
The only love I need. This is the love.
Just encountering such amazing love is life transforming. All of a sudden you find a reason to hope. You find your burdens lifted, at least a little bit, depending how much you grasp it. And you want to do anything you can to repay such generosity. You just feel renewed from the inside.
And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.
But the love of God is not just a love of acceptance and adoration for us, despite our undeservedness. It goes beyond that to acts of a magnitude beyond comprehension. The love of God is love in action. A love that longs for us, seeks, us. A love that was willing to do whatever it takes -- including die and go to hell for us. Where else in the world does such a love exist?
This is the love – that gave itself for me,
That died to set me free. This is the love.
This is the love – that rose to live again,
That washed away my sin. This is the love.
And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.
Once we discover its vastness, we long to know more of it. We long to know Him better. No other love can satisfy our inner longing for completeness for wholeness only comes in relationship with Him. Indeed, our life's purpose, our heart's desire is met in Him, and we long to be able to love with the same love He's given us.
And I’ll never know another love like this love.
And I’ll never need to look for love again.
Now I’ve found my heart’s desire, and my soul’s been set afire.
I want to learn to love with the love that I’ve been given.
And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.
If you don't know a love like this, you just have to open your heart. It's already yours. You can't do anything to earn it or deserve it. You can't do anything to change it or to lose it. It will be yours for ever just has it has always been yours since before you were born. How can we help but worship a God of such love? How can we help but long to have a relationship with Him? Amazingly, He desires the relationship with us more than we could ever desire a relationship with Him. He seeks us daily, and all we have to do is ask and He'll walk beside us every second of every day. If you don't have that relationship what's stopping you?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
You Are God
One of the major themes of our ministry has been encouraging lifestyles of worship. It's even in our purpose statement: "To encourage all we encounter to lead lifestyles of worship." This is because we believe worship is not just something for Sunday mornings but what all human beings were made for. We all worship something, even if it's not God. It should be God, but regardless, every human being finds some object on which to focus his or her worship.
YOU ARE GOD is a song about worshipping God in every day moments. So many people know prayer as a bedtime ritual or something they do when gathered around the table for meals, so I wrote about praising God at night and when we eat. But we also should remember to praise Him at all times: when we're busy or tired, when we succeed and when we fail. He is our reason for being and the source of our life and breath -- the wind beneath our sails, I put it...
I praise you in the morning,
I give you praise at night.
I praise you when I’m busy.
I praise you when I’m tired.
I praise you in my victory.
I praise you when I fail.
I lift my voice to worship you –
the wind beneath my sails.
I think the reason we so often forget to praise Him is that we forget who He is. He is everything: Father, Creator, Ruler, Healer, Friend. I looked up names for God and Christ and tried to pick some of the more obscure ones as well as popular ones like Emmanuel, Messiah, Shepherd and Redeemer. That's why I included Beloved. But I also discovered Christ is called Jehovah in the Scriptures. I always thought that was just a name for God.
Emmanuel, Messiah – you are everything.
Shepherd, Redeemer – you are God.
Prince of Peace, Jehovah – you are all I need.
Savior, Beloved – you are God.
Verse 2 covers more times to praise Him: when we're sleeping, when strong and when weak. He deserves credit even for our source of life: breath and food. And He is our rescuer.
I praise you in my working.
I praise you in my sleep.
I praise you when I’m strongest.
I praise you when I’m weak.
I praise you for the air I breathe.
I praise you when I eat.
I lift my voice in worship to
the one who rescues me.
Truly no God could compare to our God. His love is beyond compare, a love like no other. He Redeemed the undeserved. And in our life long quests for an object to worship, we can never find peace until our hearts rest upon Him.
There is no other God like you.
There is no other Redeemer.
No one loves me like you do.
You’re the one my heart’s been seeking.
One of my favorite worship lyrics. The song really had no solid accompaniment until we found the right rhythm guitar pattern. That gave it the groove we needed.
This track opens with my wife, Bianca, reading Psalm 149:1-5 a great call to worship for God's people:
1 Praise the LORD. [a]
Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the saints.
2 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
let the people of Zion be glad in their King.
3 Let them praise his name with dancing
and make music to him with tambourine and harp.
4 For the LORD takes delight in his people;
he crowns the humble with salvation.
5 Let the saints rejoice in this honor
and sing for joy on their beds.
YOU ARE GOD is a song about worshipping God in every day moments. So many people know prayer as a bedtime ritual or something they do when gathered around the table for meals, so I wrote about praising God at night and when we eat. But we also should remember to praise Him at all times: when we're busy or tired, when we succeed and when we fail. He is our reason for being and the source of our life and breath -- the wind beneath our sails, I put it...
I praise you in the morning,
I give you praise at night.
I praise you when I’m busy.
I praise you when I’m tired.
I praise you in my victory.
I praise you when I fail.
I lift my voice to worship you –
the wind beneath my sails.
I think the reason we so often forget to praise Him is that we forget who He is. He is everything: Father, Creator, Ruler, Healer, Friend. I looked up names for God and Christ and tried to pick some of the more obscure ones as well as popular ones like Emmanuel, Messiah, Shepherd and Redeemer. That's why I included Beloved. But I also discovered Christ is called Jehovah in the Scriptures. I always thought that was just a name for God.
Emmanuel, Messiah – you are everything.
Shepherd, Redeemer – you are God.
Prince of Peace, Jehovah – you are all I need.
Savior, Beloved – you are God.
Verse 2 covers more times to praise Him: when we're sleeping, when strong and when weak. He deserves credit even for our source of life: breath and food. And He is our rescuer.
I praise you in my working.
I praise you in my sleep.
I praise you when I’m strongest.
I praise you when I’m weak.
I praise you for the air I breathe.
I praise you when I eat.
I lift my voice in worship to
the one who rescues me.
Truly no God could compare to our God. His love is beyond compare, a love like no other. He Redeemed the undeserved. And in our life long quests for an object to worship, we can never find peace until our hearts rest upon Him.
There is no other God like you.
There is no other Redeemer.
No one loves me like you do.
You’re the one my heart’s been seeking.
One of my favorite worship lyrics. The song really had no solid accompaniment until we found the right rhythm guitar pattern. That gave it the groove we needed.
This track opens with my wife, Bianca, reading Psalm 149:1-5 a great call to worship for God's people:
1 Praise the LORD. [a]
Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the saints.
2 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
let the people of Zion be glad in their King.
3 Let them praise his name with dancing
and make music to him with tambourine and harp.
4 For the LORD takes delight in his people;
he crowns the humble with salvation.
5 Let the saints rejoice in this honor
and sing for joy on their beds.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Save Me, O God
In 1995, while I was just starting to record my first album, a contemporary Christian music CD titled Stand, I was attending First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood. It was here, under the music direction of the outstanding Fred Boch (check your hymnals for the name), that I first discovered the power of contemporary praise & worship music. I had grown up in a church which pretty much did hymns. And while I had visited a few other churches along the way, it was not until First Pres that I made the weekly, regular connection with this new style and really began to embrace it.
One thing we creative types tend to do in such situations is wonder if we could perhaps one day write a tune in that style. So on my way home from church one day, I started thinking it might be fun to try. I had been combing through the psalms seeking biblical inspiration, when I stumbled upon Psalm 54: 1-2.
Save Me, O God, by your name.
And vindicate me by your might.
Hear my prayer, O God,
give ear to the words of my mouth.
Word for word from the revised standard version I had the chorus of what became my first praise and worship song. I began the verses by writing simple truths about who our saving God is.
For I know you are holy.
Your name’s above all names.
And I will follow you forever,
Lifting my voice to sing:
Save Me, O God, by your name.
And vindicate me by your might.
Hear my prayer, O God,
give ear to the words of my mouth.
For I know you are with me,
always, ever, here in my heart.
And I will honor you forever.
Lifting my voice with praise.
Save Me, O God, by your name.
And vindicate me by your might.
Hear my prayer, O God,
give ear to the words of my mouth.
Ironically, it took me several years to fully appreciate the power of this song. It just seemed so overly simple. The melody seemed haunting and easy to learn, but I was so used to the sophistication expected from Contemporary Christian Pop music that I was just not certain this song would be embraced by anyone. I could not have been more wrong. I pulled the song out a few years back when I needed a simple song to translate for a Mexican worship workshop and the song was immediately embraced. I just had to include it on this CD. It's one of my favorites of my melodies.
Our God is a saving God. He alone is worthy of our praise. He alone is worthy of our songs. He is faithful and ever present. To Him be the glory, the God who saves.
One thing we creative types tend to do in such situations is wonder if we could perhaps one day write a tune in that style. So on my way home from church one day, I started thinking it might be fun to try. I had been combing through the psalms seeking biblical inspiration, when I stumbled upon Psalm 54: 1-2.
Save Me, O God, by your name.
And vindicate me by your might.
Hear my prayer, O God,
give ear to the words of my mouth.
Word for word from the revised standard version I had the chorus of what became my first praise and worship song. I began the verses by writing simple truths about who our saving God is.
For I know you are holy.
Your name’s above all names.
And I will follow you forever,
Lifting my voice to sing:
Save Me, O God, by your name.
And vindicate me by your might.
Hear my prayer, O God,
give ear to the words of my mouth.
For I know you are with me,
always, ever, here in my heart.
And I will honor you forever.
Lifting my voice with praise.
Save Me, O God, by your name.
And vindicate me by your might.
Hear my prayer, O God,
give ear to the words of my mouth.
Ironically, it took me several years to fully appreciate the power of this song. It just seemed so overly simple. The melody seemed haunting and easy to learn, but I was so used to the sophistication expected from Contemporary Christian Pop music that I was just not certain this song would be embraced by anyone. I could not have been more wrong. I pulled the song out a few years back when I needed a simple song to translate for a Mexican worship workshop and the song was immediately embraced. I just had to include it on this CD. It's one of my favorites of my melodies.
Our God is a saving God. He alone is worthy of our praise. He alone is worthy of our songs. He is faithful and ever present. To Him be the glory, the God who saves.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
This We Do
One of the songs which means most to me on the new CD originated 8 years ago, when my Music Director at New City Fellowship St. Louis complained that we had so few communion songs. I went home, prayed and began writing THIS WE DO.
You made the wine from the water,
And you made me from the dust.
A precious child of the Father
Sent down to suffer for us.
He was the miracle man in more than one sense. Not only did Jesus perform miracles, but He was born from a miracle -- the child of a virgin mother. A beautiful story with a horrific ending full of suffering, death -- and hope. His whole life was spent in service of the most undeserving of lots: sinners.
As we read in the Scriptures, on that day, He gathered his disciples in the upper room, took wine and bread, broke the bread...
You took the bread and broke it in two,
“This is my body broken for you.”
You took the wine: “This is my blood…
Remember me. Remember.”
Every time we take the Lord's cup, it reminds us of that upper room and His sacrifice on our behalf. One of the key symbols of the Christian faith is a reminder of the greatest sacrifice, the greatest loving act the world has ever known.
THIS WE DO, in remembrance of you.
This we give. It’s all we can do.
This we pray and cry out to you.
THIS WE DO, in remembrance of you.
Out of that love, His voice is calling us from the inside out: Come to me, all who are weary, and find rest.
Your love calls me to the Father.
Your Spirit cries to my soul,
Reminding me that you love me,
And died to make me whole.
You took the bread and broke it in two,
“This is my body broken for you.”
You took the wine: “This is my blood…
Remember me. Remember.”
THIS WE DO, in remembrance of you.
This we give. It’s all we can do.
This we pray and cry out to you.
THIS WE DO, in remembrance of you.
Every time I sing this song, I get chills. And congregation seem to have the same response. Ironically, it was only last year that I finally sang the song during communion. It just bookended the whole event with deeper meaning. I tried to include this on my 2003 album, but had production issues. This song has had the most production issues this time as well, but we managed to get it finished for the CD (with a few technical issues I hope listeners can overlook). Don't know why, but the enemy just seems to really want me to not release this song.
In any case, it's haunting melody and biblical words paint images which remind us of our Savior who bled and died for us and all that it means. Praise and honor and glory be to Him now and forever...
You made the wine from the water,
And you made me from the dust.
A precious child of the Father
Sent down to suffer for us.
He was the miracle man in more than one sense. Not only did Jesus perform miracles, but He was born from a miracle -- the child of a virgin mother. A beautiful story with a horrific ending full of suffering, death -- and hope. His whole life was spent in service of the most undeserving of lots: sinners.
As we read in the Scriptures, on that day, He gathered his disciples in the upper room, took wine and bread, broke the bread...
You took the bread and broke it in two,
“This is my body broken for you.”
You took the wine: “This is my blood…
Remember me. Remember.”
Every time we take the Lord's cup, it reminds us of that upper room and His sacrifice on our behalf. One of the key symbols of the Christian faith is a reminder of the greatest sacrifice, the greatest loving act the world has ever known.
THIS WE DO, in remembrance of you.
This we give. It’s all we can do.
This we pray and cry out to you.
THIS WE DO, in remembrance of you.
Out of that love, His voice is calling us from the inside out: Come to me, all who are weary, and find rest.
Your love calls me to the Father.
Your Spirit cries to my soul,
Reminding me that you love me,
And died to make me whole.
You took the bread and broke it in two,
“This is my body broken for you.”
You took the wine: “This is my blood…
Remember me. Remember.”
THIS WE DO, in remembrance of you.
This we give. It’s all we can do.
This we pray and cry out to you.
THIS WE DO, in remembrance of you.
Every time I sing this song, I get chills. And congregation seem to have the same response. Ironically, it was only last year that I finally sang the song during communion. It just bookended the whole event with deeper meaning. I tried to include this on my 2003 album, but had production issues. This song has had the most production issues this time as well, but we managed to get it finished for the CD (with a few technical issues I hope listeners can overlook). Don't know why, but the enemy just seems to really want me to not release this song.
In any case, it's haunting melody and biblical words paint images which remind us of our Savior who bled and died for us and all that it means. Praise and honor and glory be to Him now and forever...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I Worship You Alone
When I was doing workshops in Ghana I kept coming across these songs that made no sense. Songs with lyrics like:
"You're our warrior. You're our warrior. You're our warrior. You are." I kept asking who are they singing about?
"Let it rain. Let it rain. Open the floodgates of heaven. Let it rain." That one has verses but so often people just sing the chorus and taken out of context it's just not clear who should rain and what the floodgates will release.
That's my pet peeve about worship songs. People come in to visit churches all the time. You cannot afford to talk like insiders. You have to open up and let them in on the secret. The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not supposed to be hidden under a bushel of secret talk and mystery but shouted out to the whole world.
My friends and students in Ghana argued they needed simple songs that repeat a lot to teach basic spiritual concepts to people who can't read or don't have much education. So I set out to write a simple, repetitive song which would tell the whole Gospel story. That's how "I Worship You Alone" was born. Little did I know it would become one of my more popular melodies.
I worship you alone. I worship you alone.
No greater love the world could know.
I worship you alone.
What do I do? I worship you. Why? Because there is no greater love in all the world. Simple, but a profound truth churches often talk about. The verse fleshes it out.
Jesus, my Savior and my friend.
Son of God, you died that I should live.
Now we know who we worship and even more of why. We worship Jesus, because he's our Savior, friend, Son of God, who gave His life for us.
I actually thought it was too simple for American audiences but it has really taken off and now is performed in five languages. It continues to bless me when I sing it, and I have had really talented musicians tell me it's their favorite of my songs. Just goes to show you what do I know?
Simplicity in worship speaks to the hearts of people. Tell the story, clearly, and succinctly and let the power of the Gospel message work for you. God will do the rest, and His way is always best. Amen.
"You're our warrior. You're our warrior. You're our warrior. You are." I kept asking who are they singing about?
"Let it rain. Let it rain. Open the floodgates of heaven. Let it rain." That one has verses but so often people just sing the chorus and taken out of context it's just not clear who should rain and what the floodgates will release.
That's my pet peeve about worship songs. People come in to visit churches all the time. You cannot afford to talk like insiders. You have to open up and let them in on the secret. The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not supposed to be hidden under a bushel of secret talk and mystery but shouted out to the whole world.
My friends and students in Ghana argued they needed simple songs that repeat a lot to teach basic spiritual concepts to people who can't read or don't have much education. So I set out to write a simple, repetitive song which would tell the whole Gospel story. That's how "I Worship You Alone" was born. Little did I know it would become one of my more popular melodies.
I worship you alone. I worship you alone.
No greater love the world could know.
I worship you alone.
What do I do? I worship you. Why? Because there is no greater love in all the world. Simple, but a profound truth churches often talk about. The verse fleshes it out.
Jesus, my Savior and my friend.
Son of God, you died that I should live.
Now we know who we worship and even more of why. We worship Jesus, because he's our Savior, friend, Son of God, who gave His life for us.
I actually thought it was too simple for American audiences but it has really taken off and now is performed in five languages. It continues to bless me when I sing it, and I have had really talented musicians tell me it's their favorite of my songs. Just goes to show you what do I know?
Simplicity in worship speaks to the hearts of people. Tell the story, clearly, and succinctly and let the power of the Gospel message work for you. God will do the rest, and His way is always best. Amen.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
He's Alive
I'm about to admit something that will make worship songwriting instructors cringe. He's Alive was not intentional. I had actually spent an hour trying to write a new melody to an obscure hymn whose words I really liked. I tried several approaches and failed miserably. It just wasn't working. I was writing because I needed another upbeat song for my CD. I had almost given up in disgust at my creative impotence, when I got this little germ of an idea. I had been tossing around ideas for songs which could be simple but energetic for the new congregation I will be leading starting in May, Las Tierras Community Church. Suddenly, words just popped in my head:
We will dance. We will sing.
For the glory of the King.
We will praise His name on high.
For our Savior is alive.
He's alive.
What better words to describe why we worship? What our faith is all about? This is the reason we celebrate. At the time I wrote it, in February, I didn't even think about the fact I was writing an Easter theme. But the melody and words came together and I knew right away it would be easy to teach and catch people's attention.
Praise to the one who came to die –
The Lamb of God was sacrificed.
Only His blood can set us free.
In Him, we live and move and breathe.
So we sing to our Savior,
Our hearts filled with joy.
Let our lives testify to His grace.
He is the way, the truth, the light.
His blood has paved our path to life.
All glory be to Him alone –
Emmanuel, the Holy One.
So we sing Hallelujah to Jesus, Our Lord.
Let our voices be heard in every heart.
When I started on the verses, I just told the story of Jesus as Savior -- the how and why He died. What makes him so important to us. In Him, we live and move and breathe. He is the source of life, of everything. What a joy it is to know Him. How can we help but want to sing and tell the world of His wonderful grace and joy? When you know someone or something this wonderful, you can't keep it in. You want to share it with everyone. You have to.
Be glorified. Be glorified, Oh Jesus.
Be glorified. Be glorified forever.
The bridge is just a cry of the desires of our hearts responding to His love, His sacrifice, His grace -- who He is. We want to praise Him. We want to see Him glorified and lifted up to the appropriate place of importance, of recognition for the whole world to see and honor Him.
He's alive and well and lives in the hearts of those who believe. Oh what a glorious Savior!
We will dance. We will sing.
For the glory of the King.
We will praise His name on high.
For our Savior is alive.
He's alive.
What better words to describe why we worship? What our faith is all about? This is the reason we celebrate. At the time I wrote it, in February, I didn't even think about the fact I was writing an Easter theme. But the melody and words came together and I knew right away it would be easy to teach and catch people's attention.
Praise to the one who came to die –
The Lamb of God was sacrificed.
Only His blood can set us free.
In Him, we live and move and breathe.
So we sing to our Savior,
Our hearts filled with joy.
Let our lives testify to His grace.
He is the way, the truth, the light.
His blood has paved our path to life.
All glory be to Him alone –
Emmanuel, the Holy One.
So we sing Hallelujah to Jesus, Our Lord.
Let our voices be heard in every heart.
When I started on the verses, I just told the story of Jesus as Savior -- the how and why He died. What makes him so important to us. In Him, we live and move and breathe. He is the source of life, of everything. What a joy it is to know Him. How can we help but want to sing and tell the world of His wonderful grace and joy? When you know someone or something this wonderful, you can't keep it in. You want to share it with everyone. You have to.
Be glorified. Be glorified, Oh Jesus.
Be glorified. Be glorified forever.
The bridge is just a cry of the desires of our hearts responding to His love, His sacrifice, His grace -- who He is. We want to praise Him. We want to see Him glorified and lifted up to the appropriate place of importance, of recognition for the whole world to see and honor Him.
He's alive and well and lives in the hearts of those who believe. Oh what a glorious Savior!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Love Like No Other
Somehow time sure slipped by and it's been way too long since I blogged here. If anyone is still following this, my apologies. I was busy with good things -- workshops, mission trips, recording a new cd, writing songs, writing a book -- but still, I have neglected the privilege of having a blog and I apologize.
Before getting back to the devotionals, I am going to do a series on the origins of the songs featured on my new worship CD "Love Like No Other" which comes out April 24th. It's been six years since my first worship CD, and life has just been busy. I am excited to finally be releasing another one. I think it is far superior to the first in many respects.
The first song I will examine here is the title cut: "Love Like No Other."
I worship you, Lord, 'cause you died for me.
I give you all glory, my Prince of Peace.
And all I am I owe to you -- to the one whose love is true.
No one else has done for me as much as you.
Love Like No Other is meant to be a joyful expression of why I worship Jesus, and, hopefully, why many of you worship Him as well. He is my Savior, who died for me, my Lord, the Prince of Peace. His love is the only true love the world has or will ever know and all that I have, am, and ever will be I owe to Him and Him alone.
'Cause you love me with a Love Like No Other.
And your love for me has turned me upside down.
When you love me with a love like no other.
I fall down.
I bow down in worship.
What words can describe the love of Christ? The love of one who would willingly die for so many undeserving souls? No other love can compare. It truly is a love like no other. And seeing that love, facing it, turns upside down all our previous understandings and conceptions about love and sacrifice. How can we help but fall down on our knees, bowing before him in worship?
I praise you, Lord, ‘cause you’ve forgiven me.
I live life to serve you, Beloved King.
All I have I offer you.
It’s the one thing I can do.
‘Cause I know I can’t repay what you have done.
Is there any better reason for praise than the forgiveness found in Christ? How can we help but want to live for Him, serve Him? He's our King, God's beloved, our beloved. Anything and everything I have is His to use for His glory. I have so little to offer in exchange for all He's done for me, it truly is the least I can do. The only thing.
And now my heart is dancing because of all you are to me, my Jesus.
I can't escape your Spirit, 'cause you are never far from me.
You live in me.
I don't know about you, but just thinking about Jesus and what He's done makes my heart skip a beat for joy. It dances around inside me. And knowing His Holy Spirit is living inside me, helping me, guiding me, interceding with the Father for me, is so humbling and moving. It really is overwhelming sometimes.
What an amazing gift is His love for us. What an amazing story His sacrifice.
Truly a love like no other and a tale for the ages...
Before getting back to the devotionals, I am going to do a series on the origins of the songs featured on my new worship CD "Love Like No Other" which comes out April 24th. It's been six years since my first worship CD, and life has just been busy. I am excited to finally be releasing another one. I think it is far superior to the first in many respects.
The first song I will examine here is the title cut: "Love Like No Other."
I worship you, Lord, 'cause you died for me.
I give you all glory, my Prince of Peace.
And all I am I owe to you -- to the one whose love is true.
No one else has done for me as much as you.
Love Like No Other is meant to be a joyful expression of why I worship Jesus, and, hopefully, why many of you worship Him as well. He is my Savior, who died for me, my Lord, the Prince of Peace. His love is the only true love the world has or will ever know and all that I have, am, and ever will be I owe to Him and Him alone.
'Cause you love me with a Love Like No Other.
And your love for me has turned me upside down.
When you love me with a love like no other.
I fall down.
I bow down in worship.
What words can describe the love of Christ? The love of one who would willingly die for so many undeserving souls? No other love can compare. It truly is a love like no other. And seeing that love, facing it, turns upside down all our previous understandings and conceptions about love and sacrifice. How can we help but fall down on our knees, bowing before him in worship?
I praise you, Lord, ‘cause you’ve forgiven me.
I live life to serve you, Beloved King.
All I have I offer you.
It’s the one thing I can do.
‘Cause I know I can’t repay what you have done.
Is there any better reason for praise than the forgiveness found in Christ? How can we help but want to live for Him, serve Him? He's our King, God's beloved, our beloved. Anything and everything I have is His to use for His glory. I have so little to offer in exchange for all He's done for me, it truly is the least I can do. The only thing.
And now my heart is dancing because of all you are to me, my Jesus.
I can't escape your Spirit, 'cause you are never far from me.
You live in me.
I don't know about you, but just thinking about Jesus and what He's done makes my heart skip a beat for joy. It dances around inside me. And knowing His Holy Spirit is living inside me, helping me, guiding me, interceding with the Father for me, is so humbling and moving. It really is overwhelming sometimes.
What an amazing gift is His love for us. What an amazing story His sacrifice.
Truly a love like no other and a tale for the ages...
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