Daily Reading: "but the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'" 1st Samuel 16:7 NIV
We are such a judgmental lot, humankind. Constantly sizing everything up and passing judgment. "He's too short." "She's not pretty enough." "That car is old and run down." "That house is too small and messy." I'll bet you could keep adding to the list.
Thankfully, we have a God who doesn't judge the way we do. He can see far more than just surface impressions. He can look deep inside and see what we never see. As an artist, I have dealt with this kind of quick judgmental assessment as a daily occurence. It has determined my career trajectory, my income, my publicity. It has been either a major boost or major thorn to my success on numerous occasions. That's why I long ago gave up artistic success as a life goal. Instead, I decided I wanted to make a difference by helping people.
Dedicating myself to training artists and bringing others to teach where such teaching was out of reach has brought opportunities I never imagined. I have gone places and seen things I never could have dreamed of. And in the process, God has revealed my heart and changed who I am in ways I would have never conceived in my wildest artistic fantasy.
I hope the Lord likes what he sees when he looks on my heart. I have a feeling he likes what's there now a lot more than he liked what used to be. I'm still a sinner, still fallen, and still stricken by temptation. But my heart's desires are much more focused around serving others than serving myself. In knowing the ultimate servant who died on a cross for all who believe, I think the heart of a servant is much more pleasing than the heart of one who's seeking his or her own glory.
What are your goals? Whom are you striving to please? What fame or recognition do you seek and from whom? If the Lord looked on your heart today, would He see what He saw in David or would He turn away to look for someone else?
Prayer: Dear Lord, help my heart be pleasing to you. Though I am a sinner, let my life be focused on pleasing you and not on pleasing myself or the fallen world. I give myself to you today as your instrument. May you be glorified. Amen.
hope, imagination, and action
2 weeks ago
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