Okay, since this came out today in SECRET PLACE, my first nationally published devotional, I can share it with you.
Suggested Reading: Genesis 45
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. Gen 45:5 NIV
One of the most well known bible stories tells of Jacob’s favorite son sold into slavery by his brothers. Joseph went through much suffering because of what his brothers did. He surely thought he’d never see his family again.
The story has all the makings of a tragedy but God had others plans. Though Satan tried many times to derail him, Joseph continued to succeed. He worked hard, he honored God, and he was blessed for it despite all kinds of challenging circumstances. And one day, his brothers came back to Egypt.
Would you have been as forgiving as Joseph in similar circumstances? Would you have used your powers to bless your family or would you have been angry and resentful?
Joseph’s story is remembered today because it exemplifies the forgiveness we are called to as those greatly forgiven. Because of Christ’s death for our sins, we should find it easier to forgive others their sin. The result will be great blessing for them and for us, and the healing power of God will be made manifest.
PRAYER: Father, please show me how to forgive as you forgave me. Cleanse me, renew me, and let me love as you’ve loved me. Amen.
hope, imagination, and action
2 weeks ago
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