When I was doing workshops in Ghana I kept coming across these songs that made no sense. Songs with lyrics like:
"You're our warrior. You're our warrior. You're our warrior. You are." I kept asking who are they singing about?
"Let it rain. Let it rain. Open the floodgates of heaven. Let it rain." That one has verses but so often people just sing the chorus and taken out of context it's just not clear who should rain and what the floodgates will release.
That's my pet peeve about worship songs. People come in to visit churches all the time. You cannot afford to talk like insiders. You have to open up and let them in on the secret. The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not supposed to be hidden under a bushel of secret talk and mystery but shouted out to the whole world.
My friends and students in Ghana argued they needed simple songs that repeat a lot to teach basic spiritual concepts to people who can't read or don't have much education. So I set out to write a simple, repetitive song which would tell the whole Gospel story. That's how "I Worship You Alone" was born. Little did I know it would become one of my more popular melodies.
I worship you alone. I worship you alone.
No greater love the world could know.
I worship you alone.
What do I do? I worship you. Why? Because there is no greater love in all the world. Simple, but a profound truth churches often talk about. The verse fleshes it out.
Jesus, my Savior and my friend.
Son of God, you died that I should live.
Now we know who we worship and even more of why. We worship Jesus, because he's our Savior, friend, Son of God, who gave His life for us.
I actually thought it was too simple for American audiences but it has really taken off and now is performed in five languages. It continues to bless me when I sing it, and I have had really talented musicians tell me it's their favorite of my songs. Just goes to show you what do I know?
Simplicity in worship speaks to the hearts of people. Tell the story, clearly, and succinctly and let the power of the Gospel message work for you. God will do the rest, and His way is always best. Amen.
hope, imagination, and action
2 weeks ago
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