DAILY READING: "He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 'I tell you the truth,' he said, 'this poor widow has put in more than all the others.' -- Luke 21:2-3 (NIV)
The two coins were small, hardly anyone’s treasure, but she clutched them tightly as she stood in line at the temple treasury. For they were all she had. Her husband had died, and she was poor and alone. When her turn came, the poor widow placed the coins joyfully in the offering, knelt and prayed. Jesus and the disciples marveled at her smile as she walked away. Jesus knew the depth of her sacrifice and He was touched. Counted by percentage, hers was the largest gift of all.
How do our gifts measure up? Do we give gladly or begrudgingly? Are our steps joyful or full of dread? Do we just give leftovers or do we give our all? Jesus gave His all, how can we give less? It’s so easy to forget His sacrifice amidst our own greedy longing for more and more.
Sometimes we’re tempted to think what we have is ours. Other times it seems worth so little, it could hardly matter. We forget that Jesus’ measures are different than out own. The willingness of our hearts and the act of giving mean as much as the amount to Him. Let’s remember always that our gifts are the least we can give back to the One who’s given so much for us.
PRAYER: Father God, help me not to begrudge you my meager gifts. Help me to always remember that all I have is a gift from you. Amen.
hope, imagination, and action
2 weeks ago
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