Somehow time sure slipped by and it's been way too long since I blogged here. If anyone is still following this, my apologies. I was busy with good things -- workshops, mission trips, recording a new cd, writing songs, writing a book -- but still, I have neglected the privilege of having a blog and I apologize.
Before getting back to the devotionals, I am going to do a series on the origins of the songs featured on my new worship CD "Love Like No Other" which comes out April 24th. It's been six years since my first worship CD, and life has just been busy. I am excited to finally be releasing another one. I think it is far superior to the first in many respects.
The first song I will examine here is the title cut: "Love Like No Other."
I worship you, Lord, 'cause you died for me.
I give you all glory, my Prince of Peace.
And all I am I owe to you -- to the one whose love is true.
No one else has done for me as much as you.
Love Like No Other is meant to be a joyful expression of why I worship Jesus, and, hopefully, why many of you worship Him as well. He is my Savior, who died for me, my Lord, the Prince of Peace. His love is the only true love the world has or will ever know and all that I have, am, and ever will be I owe to Him and Him alone.
'Cause you love me with a Love Like No Other.
And your love for me has turned me upside down.
When you love me with a love like no other.
I fall down.
I bow down in worship.
What words can describe the love of Christ? The love of one who would willingly die for so many undeserving souls? No other love can compare. It truly is a love like no other. And seeing that love, facing it, turns upside down all our previous understandings and conceptions about love and sacrifice. How can we help but fall down on our knees, bowing before him in worship?
I praise you, Lord, ‘cause you’ve forgiven me.
I live life to serve you, Beloved King.
All I have I offer you.
It’s the one thing I can do.
‘Cause I know I can’t repay what you have done.
Is there any better reason for praise than the forgiveness found in Christ? How can we help but want to live for Him, serve Him? He's our King, God's beloved, our beloved. Anything and everything I have is His to use for His glory. I have so little to offer in exchange for all He's done for me, it truly is the least I can do. The only thing.
And now my heart is dancing because of all you are to me, my Jesus.
I can't escape your Spirit, 'cause you are never far from me.
You live in me.
I don't know about you, but just thinking about Jesus and what He's done makes my heart skip a beat for joy. It dances around inside me. And knowing His Holy Spirit is living inside me, helping me, guiding me, interceding with the Father for me, is so humbling and moving. It really is overwhelming sometimes.
What an amazing gift is His love for us. What an amazing story His sacrifice.
Truly a love like no other and a tale for the ages...
hope, imagination, and action
2 weeks ago
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