Thursday, May 21, 2009


Okay, since this came out today in SECRET PLACE, my first nationally published devotional, I can share it with you.


Suggested Reading: Genesis 45

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. Gen 45:5 NIV

One of the most well known bible stories tells of Jacob’s favorite son sold into slavery by his brothers. Joseph went through much suffering because of what his brothers did. He surely thought he’d never see his family again.

The story has all the makings of a tragedy but God had others plans. Though Satan tried many times to derail him, Joseph continued to succeed. He worked hard, he honored God, and he was blessed for it despite all kinds of challenging circumstances. And one day, his brothers came back to Egypt.

Would you have been as forgiving as Joseph in similar circumstances? Would you have used your powers to bless your family or would you have been angry and resentful?
Joseph’s story is remembered today because it exemplifies the forgiveness we are called to as those greatly forgiven. Because of Christ’s death for our sins, we should find it easier to forgive others their sin. The result will be great blessing for them and for us, and the healing power of God will be made manifest.

PRAYER: Father, please show me how to forgive as you forgave me. Cleanse me, renew me, and let me love as you’ve loved me. Amen.

Monday, May 18, 2009


For those of us who believe, there is no more magical, beautiful name than Jesus. No name should be uttered with more reverance and awe. No name is held dearer. This song was a tribute to Jesus, and what He represents for believers.

Jesus, kings and shepherds bowing down,
a true treasure they had found,
Jesus, the whole world heard angels sing
to proclaim the newborn king,

The ultimate irony to the power of the name is that the name Jesus represents a human being at various stages of life from an infant born in meager circumstances in a manger to a great leader of men who defied religious leaders and ultimately was murdered on a cross for it. Throughout the course of His short life, Jesus was a powerful presence. He did not conform to worldly expectations. He stood apart.

And the manger where you lay so soft and gentle
is a symbol of the greatness you've become.
And the torture of the cross remains an emblem
for the lost.
You paid the cost.

The sacrifice was not in vain. It was the great equalizer for sinners who would believe. While all of us are ultimately depraved in our fallen nature, in Christ, we are set free of the burden of a price we could never bear to pay. In His sacrifice, we find our true freedom and future.

Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.

An encounter with Jesus is the greatest encounter any of us will ever have. No matter how much Earthly success or wealth we amass, without a relationship with Christ, we are lost, without anything of value.

Jesus, you are everything to me.
You are all I'll ever need.
Jesus, far more precious than pure gold,
you are all I need to know.

And the manger where you lay so soft and gentle
is a symbol of the greatness you've become.
And the torture of the cross remains an emblem
for the lost.
You paid the cost.

Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.

Born to save us all, Lord, you gave it all to set us free.
Born to give your life. O Lord, you died that we'd be free,
and we are free. Jesus.

Thank you, Savior, for your sacrifice and love. Thank you for your willingness to die that we might be free and live...Amen.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This Is The Love

For me there is no greater, more amazing discovery than the realization how big God's love is. It's a discovery that lasts a lifetime. Just when you think you've grasped it, you find out there was so much more you didn't even realize. This is a song about that love.

An encounter with this love leaves you breathless. You are so stunned you can't believe such a love could be real and, even more, directed at you. There is no basis for comparison. It's so powerful, it demands a response. You will never be the same.

This is the love – the love beyond compare,
The love given to share. This is the love.
This is the love – the love that calls to me,
That calls me to believe. This is the love.

This is the love – the love that knows my name,
I’ll never be the same. This is the love.
This is the love – the love that’s everything,
The only love I need. This is the love.

Just encountering such amazing love is life transforming. All of a sudden you find a reason to hope. You find your burdens lifted, at least a little bit, depending how much you grasp it. And you want to do anything you can to repay such generosity. You just feel renewed from the inside.

And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.

But the love of God is not just a love of acceptance and adoration for us, despite our undeservedness. It goes beyond that to acts of a magnitude beyond comprehension. The love of God is love in action. A love that longs for us, seeks, us. A love that was willing to do whatever it takes -- including die and go to hell for us. Where else in the world does such a love exist?

This is the love – that gave itself for me,
That died to set me free. This is the love.
This is the love – that rose to live again,
That washed away my sin. This is the love.

And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.

Once we discover its vastness, we long to know more of it. We long to know Him better. No other love can satisfy our inner longing for completeness for wholeness only comes in relationship with Him. Indeed, our life's purpose, our heart's desire is met in Him, and we long to be able to love with the same love He's given us.

And I’ll never know another love like this love.
And I’ll never need to look for love again.
Now I’ve found my heart’s desire, and my soul’s been set afire.
I want to learn to love with the love that I’ve been given.

And how my wounded heart is healed
By this love that sets me free.
And how my life is lived for Him to share this love.
And now my brokenness is cured
By all this love He has for me.
His love has set me free. This is the love.

If you don't know a love like this, you just have to open your heart. It's already yours. You can't do anything to earn it or deserve it. You can't do anything to change it or to lose it. It will be yours for ever just has it has always been yours since before you were born. How can we help but worship a God of such love? How can we help but long to have a relationship with Him? Amazingly, He desires the relationship with us more than we could ever desire a relationship with Him. He seeks us daily, and all we have to do is ask and He'll walk beside us every second of every day. If you don't have that relationship what's stopping you?