One of the major themes of our ministry has been encouraging lifestyles of worship. It's even in our purpose statement: "To encourage all we encounter to lead lifestyles of worship." This is because we believe worship is not just something for Sunday mornings but what all human beings were made for. We all worship something, even if it's not God. It should be God, but regardless, every human being finds some object on which to focus his or her worship.
YOU ARE GOD is a song about worshipping God in every day moments. So many people know prayer as a bedtime ritual or something they do when gathered around the table for meals, so I wrote about praising God at night and when we eat. But we also should remember to praise Him at all times: when we're busy or tired, when we succeed and when we fail. He is our reason for being and the source of our life and breath -- the wind beneath our sails, I put it...
I praise you in the morning,
I give you praise at night.
I praise you when I’m busy.
I praise you when I’m tired.
I praise you in my victory.
I praise you when I fail.
I lift my voice to worship you –
the wind beneath my sails.
I think the reason we so often forget to praise Him is that we forget who He is. He is everything: Father, Creator, Ruler, Healer, Friend. I looked up names for God and Christ and tried to pick some of the more obscure ones as well as popular ones like Emmanuel, Messiah, Shepherd and Redeemer. That's why I included Beloved. But I also discovered Christ is called Jehovah in the Scriptures. I always thought that was just a name for God.
Emmanuel, Messiah – you are everything.
Shepherd, Redeemer – you are God.
Prince of Peace, Jehovah – you are all I need.
Savior, Beloved – you are God.
Verse 2 covers more times to praise Him: when we're sleeping, when strong and when weak. He deserves credit even for our source of life: breath and food. And He is our rescuer.
I praise you in my working.
I praise you in my sleep.
I praise you when I’m strongest.
I praise you when I’m weak.
I praise you for the air I breathe.
I praise you when I eat.
I lift my voice in worship to
the one who rescues me.
Truly no God could compare to our God. His love is beyond compare, a love like no other. He Redeemed the undeserved. And in our life long quests for an object to worship, we can never find peace until our hearts rest upon Him.
There is no other God like you.
There is no other Redeemer.
No one loves me like you do.
You’re the one my heart’s been seeking.
One of my favorite worship lyrics. The song really had no solid accompaniment until we found the right rhythm guitar pattern. That gave it the groove we needed.
This track opens with my wife, Bianca, reading Psalm 149:1-5 a great call to worship for God's people:
1 Praise the LORD. [a]
Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the saints.
2 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
let the people of Zion be glad in their King.
3 Let them praise his name with dancing
and make music to him with tambourine and harp.
4 For the LORD takes delight in his people;
he crowns the humble with salvation.
5 Let the saints rejoice in this honor
and sing for joy on their beds.
hope, imagination, and action
2 weeks ago