Monday, June 29, 2009


Suggested Reading: Ruth 1

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: For Naomi, it was an act of kindness. Her husband and sons were dead. She was moving to a land with which the women were unfamiliar. It was a bitter pill for her to swallow, and Naomi's kind heart couldn't bear to ask her daughters-in-law to share it. After many tears, Oprah went back to her family, but Ruth refused to leave. Her words are some of the most beautiful in the whole of scripture, often heard at weddings today:

"Do not ask me to leave you or return and not follow you.
For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live.
Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."

How many of us would have the bravery of Ruth? How often do we see loyalty like this today? So often friendships are fickle. We are happy to stick with our friends in the good times, but when trouble comes, we just pull away. At least in Western society, this has almost become the norm.

Neither Ruth nor Naomi knew what would happen to them during their journey, but Ruth's fondness and love for her mother-in-law wouldn't allow her to turn away, when she knew she was needed. In the end, God blessed Ruth with a new husband and both women with a wonderful new life. He promises to do the same for us, if we just stick with him through good times and bad.

Prayer: Oh Lord, help my loyalty to you never to falter in a world of declining loyalties. Let me return your loyalty with deep devotion to you. Amen.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Okay. this is a repeat. But this was the first devotional I submitted for publication and it was finally accepted for THE UPPER ROOM January-February 2010 issue, so I wanted to share it again.


Suggested Reading: Exodus 33

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshiped, each at the entrance to his tent.” Ex. 33:10 NIV

The music swelled as hands clapped to the beat. The Holy Spirit was filling our hearts as our voices cried out in praise. Suddenly, the little boy in front of us, maybe four years old, began clapping as well, as crumbs from his cookies flew all around us. His mother reacted, embarrassed, but my heart was filled with wonder. Do I still drop everything at a moment’s notice to worship the Lord? Do I practice my faith with such abandon? Have I forgotten how?

I remembered the days when Israel traveled the desert. Whenever a pillar of cloud appeared outside the Tabernacle, they would drop everything where they were and worship. They lived recognizing God’s presence daily. Their journey was long and hard, over many years, and with time, their devotion wavered as questions arose. Soon, they weren’t as ready to worship with total abandon.

Through my own daily struggles and difficulties, I too forget that my highest purpose is to worship God. It is the main purpose for which I was made. When I worship Him, I am connecting with my heavenly Father in a special fellowship that renews and refreshes me for what lies ahead. In such moments, I feel His presence, I delight in Him, and He delights in me. After seeing a boy’s worship, I am praying that God would give me the sense of abandonment I need to worship Him in every moment. Ultimately, a lifestyle of worship is the greatest testimony I can offer.

PRAYER: Lord, help me live with worshipful abandon in every moment. Amen.

Friday, June 5, 2009

This devotion is set to be published in the March-April 2010 issue of THE UPPER ROOM.


When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
--Genesis 3:16 (NIV)

The fruit was inviting. It looked so good and Eve wanted it. What was the harm? She had always been tempted, but when the serpent told her God was keeping it from her to hide its powers, she couldn’t resist any longer. She had to have it. And when she ate it, she knew her husband Adam had to have it, too. It was one simple moment of weakness, one small mistake, but it forever altered their lives.

How many times are we tempted by forbidden fruit? From members of the opposite sex to possessions, temptations are all around us daily. Many find them hard to resist, even those of strong faith who never thought it could happen to them. It looks so good. What could be the harm? And then their world falls apart.

What should we do when we are tempted? 1st Corinthians 10:13 tells us no temptation will come before us which is beyond our strength to resist. Mark 14:38 tells us that we should watch and pray so that we are not overcome by temptation. Always being on our guard and knowing our own weakness are the greatest defenses we can have. Those and constant prayer. God can shield us when we cannot stand on our own. All we have to do is ask, and in our weakness, He will be our strength.

PRAYER: Father God, protect me from my own sinful desires and clothe me in your righteousness that in my weakness, I might be strong in you. Amen.
This devotion, published Tuesday April 21 in THE SECRET PLACE was inspired by my missionary work in Ghana, West Africa.


NIV Genesis 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so.

I walked through the streets of the Kakumba Yam Market in Accra, Ghana, and everywhere I looked I saw poverty and desperation. People living in piles of wood or clothes, open sewers, trash. But none of this was apparent on the faces of those who greeted me. Their white teeth smiled so wide, they reflected the sunlight. Their eyes were warm and inviting. Here in the midst of the worst conditions, they had found the joy of a Savior who provides.

Is my faith strong enough to weather any storm because of my confidence that God will provide for me? Do I live with the joy that no matter how little I have, His love is all I need? So often I am consumed with worry over what I want and don’t have that I forget to be thankful for all I already have.

I went to Africa determined to help them, and they helped me so much more. They opened my eyes to the true joy of salvation – providence, and the knowledge that it is not what we have but who we know that matters. What a blessing to know the Savior!

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for the confidence that in your Son, I have all I will ever need. Amen.